Henry O. Palaca, PIE, MTM

HENRY O. PALACA, PIE, MTM, the President of Quality Plus Management Consulting Co., is a management system and business process improvement expert. He is an author of the management system book “Building Organizational Excellence through ISO 9000”. He successfully handled more than 100 companies towards ISO certification. He also assisted more than 20 companies in the process improvement effort. His twenty years of experiences include Industrial Engineering, Business Process Improvement, Total Quality Management, various Management Systems (ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000, ISO 22000/ FSSC22000, ISO 27000 ISMS, ISO/IEC17025, ISO/TS 16049, and ISO 50000 EnMS).
He is a Certified National EnMS ISO 50001 Consultant, as recognized by UNIDO/DOE/DTI-BPS under their collaborative Project on Philippine Industrial Energy and Efficiency. It was in 2012 that he was selected as among the first forty EnMS Experts who successfully completed the program and passed the examination.
His organization, Quality Plus, has successfully organized Food Safety Conferences in Manila, Baguio and Cebu, in support to the food service and food related industries of the country.
His more than twenty-five years of experience include Business Process Improvement, Total Quality Management, Industrial Engineering and various Management Systems. He is also an IRCA registered auditor and has conducted audit to more than a hundred companies in a lead auditor capacity.
Henry is a regular lecturer of the Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC), University of the Philippines UP-ISSI and a former professor of Mapua Institute of Technology. He is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Master’s degree in Technology Management from University of the Philippines - Diliman, Quezon City.